Meet the Director of Development
His Grace Foundation is pleased to welcome Shannon Mills as its Director of Development. Shannon is a proud Houston native with a mighty passion for community.
Her journey into fundraising began at the Houston Food Bank where she managed the food and fund drive program, filling pantries and filling lives. She went on to serve various roles in development, such as Corporate Engagement Manager and Development Manager, over the span of four years, making a difference in every community she has served.
As a Lamar University alum, she’s a big fan of a Cajun good time and loves exploring new places around the world, with some of her favorite spots being Dublin, Ireland and Boston, Massachusetts. When she’s not traveling, you’ll find her enjoying quality time with her family and fiancé or spoiling her two dogs with pup cups.
The mission of His Grace Foundation truly speaks to her on a personal and professional level, and she’s beyond delighted to join the team as the Director of Development.