Thankful for the Past and Looking Forward to the Future: An Update from Matthew Hogan, HGF Scholarship Recipient

In 2017, His Grace Foundation had the honor of giving a college scholarship to former bone marrow transplant patient Matthew Hogan through the His Grace Foundation Holly A. Hardy Educational Support and Scholarship Fund. We recently had the joy of catching up with Matt about his experience in college thus far and his hopes for the future, and here’s what he’d like to share with you!

“College is going fantastic. I am now a biomedical science major, and I love the course work, I think in part because of my personal experience with medicine. Also, I have been getting more and more involved in the local church in College Station which has been the highlight of my whole college experience so far, just getting to grow closer to God and serve others in such an awesome community. A&M has been such a great place to live and learn and ultimately earn my degree from; also how about that Aggie football!

After college, I am very excited for how I will get to use all that I have learned, to be of benefit to my local community and hopefully the world at large, by pursuing a career in public health and likely going on to get a masters in public health. I would love to see the public better equipped and educated on how to live a healthier lifestyle and abroad I would love to see a significant reduction in deaths by infectious disease. So there is a lot to look forward to, and I am so thankful to be alive to see those things happen.”